Tuesday, April 23, 2024

"If Michael Aquino Wrote The Book of Love, and James Bond Wrote Sgt. Pepper, Who put The Bop in The Bop She Bop?"

God Poet Transmitting.......

The World is a deception to begin with, so... to say that it is filled to the brim (if it has a brim) with deception should be past obvious. The World is a breeding ground of lies. Lies copulate with one another to create more lies. Lies are a form of currency that can be exchanged for those other currencies that liars are so fond of. Deception pays. Seduction... which is another form of applied deception and prevarication... also pays... if you like the end result; Are you hitting that?

People are not always seduced for sexual reasons... unless you understand that EVERYTHING is sex... moving toward... or away from it... harvesting the offspring... trafficking it, which is what the top-level liars do. They enslave people and then they sell them off. Sometimes they sell them for parts. They don't care. Whatever pays.

I have a certain amount of old friends who don't understand what I am talking about when I talk to them anymore. They got old somehow... living in this world, and accommodating to this world. The more you accommodate. The more you forget.

Some of these friends were with me when remarkable supernatural events took place. They seemed to take place every time we went out into the parks at night; R Street Park... Montrose Park... P Street Park... Rock Creek Park. Giant holographic serpents would crawl in and out of The Earth. They were enormous. Little green Buddhas were motionless in the foliage. Voices would sometimes appear out of nowhere. Once... a mighty voice boomed, “We are aware of you!”

An inter-dimensional saucer landed right in front of Douglas and me. It was no hallucination. Hallucinations do not remain over long periods of time... discharging the passengers.. with the passengers speaking in what sounded like musical notes, BUT... I could understand them somehow. It was real... relatively speaking... since... according to the experts I follow... Nothing is real. Still... why not go run into a brick wall... prove something to yourself. It's real enough.

My having had this massive kundalini awakening made every get-together a memorable event, and the finest acid ever made certainly supercharged the experiences. It's not a hallucination when Hindu Gods appear and you've never heard of them previously... or even seen any pictures of them before they suddenly showed up. I'm past doubting any of it... way past. It happened so many times, and there were other people around.

Now... on the rare occasions when one of these friends might visit me... or when I used to visit them... when I mention any of this... they seem startled like they had been dreaming just before I spoke. They remembered that events had taken place, but they couldn't remember much. Their lives had overtaken them.

Those of them who watch TV get their news from Fox and CNN. They aren't on the internet. They read the Warshington Post. (that's how they pronounce it) I try not to discuss The World with them. They actually believe that reporters are dealing with facts and telling the truth. It is hard for me to associate them with the people I once knew. Their spiritual experiences now consist of attending church in an irregular fashion. I am the only one who is still the way I was... with some adjustments over time.

I can only think of Michael Green among my friends who has been consistent in holding to the spiritual path.

He's part of The Guru Bawa Fellowship now; a real elder statesman in the hierarchy. My tradition consists of what I have taken to be true from each of the traditions, but... mostly... these days... it consists of what The Inner Voice tells me. Why would he be wearing a mask though? I really don't get the mask thing. God protects me or he doesn't. Those masks protect nothing. They do trap bacteria, in case you missed it the first go-round.

Yes... The World is filled with lies and liars. Some of the worst are those... who cut and paste extractions... from what other people say and then pass them off as truth. In courts of law... that's called hearsay, but... when it comes to people getting paid for what they say... it amounts to whatever it amounts to and serves... always... the interests of their paymasters.

Here is an example of total hysteria and a person who only recently seemed relatively sane...

...now cutting and pasting all manner of things that she has no proof about at all, and here is what I think. It is the intelligence agencies themselves who write all this stuff about the intelligence agencies being behind everything. She may well work for them. If you look into her background that seems likely. Otherwise... she just stepped off a cliff in her head. She says everything occult is evil. Occult is a word that means hidden. She needs to clarify the way she presents her perspectives but she's doing more of a slash-and-burn. She should be kept away from the torches and pitchforks.

Here is her background. Notice anything?

I was saying nice things about her now and again. She SEEMED to be speaking truth to power. This article is kind of a coming out for her. It's filled with he said she said stuff. Most of it is old news that I ran across years ago. According to the people she considers to be telling the truth, the good music of the 60s was all written by Tavistock and CIA people. If so... those are some very talented and inspired intelligence operatives; aren't they? You couldn't swing TS Eliot's body in those rooms without hitting William Blake and Shakespeare.

None of these people she references have any real proof of anything they say. What they have are strange associations... and a lot of circumstantial odds and ends. The truth is that Flat Earth Theory... is the product of intelligence services. The idea that someone like Michael Aquino wrote The Book of Love... Smiley and Bond wrote Sgt. Pepper, and... Bob Dylan and all the rest of them were stand-ins who worked from a script... well... I'm saying these ideas, and... all the other ideas you see... hodgepodged in that article... are the work of intelligence services. They are the ones who came up with all that, and the reason any of it got legs.

On any given day, I come across mentions of various major players in world politics being executed at Guantanamo. The guy who originally came up with this particular collection of whatever... has a website called Real Raw Story. It is even stated on his site that what he says is satire, but that doesn't stop the people... who desperately need to believe it all... from spreading it far and wide. It's the latest iteration of Sorcha Fall (such a fool) and Benjamin Fulford... both of whom were and are intelligence assets.

Maybe they did this and that, but the acid I took... The Sandoz, and Owsley... Orange Sunshine and other variants... they had no part in the chemistry. Maybe they groomed some of the hard rock... and death metal, and they certainly were involved in the Disco and Cocaine, and... the Gay depravities that came out of that combination, but... earlier on? No! They were doing damage control after the inspired works got away from them. They were taking control of the industries in the years after that, BUT... before that? No! I was there. I was there... as... there... could... be, so... no!

The Deep State... which runs the intelligence agencies, also controls what you see in the press. This includes everything in The Mainstream Media and most of what you see in The Alternative Media. They come at you from both ends, and they get their way with most people... these days... with money... force... or blackmail. However... they can't buy... intimidate... or frame all of us. They just can't.

I saw the freaks pushing free love and the seduction games in the parks, and I also saw real love and burning ideals of a better world. I saw what they didn't expect... come barreling out of the chutes... before they knew what was happening, and I saw them playing catch-up afterward. They DID NOT start the transformations, and they will not be controlling what is coming now.

I was there... back in The Day. I saw Good and Evil running a death race down Telegraph Avenue and through The Haight. I saw the greed and the sleaze ooze up out of NYC onto Tinker Street and Mill Hill Road in Woodstock. I saw the other side too. Sure... the plotters and the schemers have always been around. It's what makes The World... The World, BUT... to paraphrase Billy Joel... ♫ THEY didn't start the fire. It was always burning since The World was turning ♫

It's all about whether you believe God is real... even if nothing else is. If you don't. If you think it's all haphazard... then... all you got is The Other Guy living in your head. In your world, maybe the intelligence services did do everything, and you are trapped forever in a matrix because... Bad Guys rule, Dude! I don't think so. In fact, I KNOW OTHERWISE. Much of what you see and hear being uncovered is being uncovered by the people who created it in the first place to... further... deceive... you, BUT... not all of it.

This is an apocalypse that is attended by an awakening, AND... being transformed by personalized expressions of The Ineffable whose... will... be... done...

The ones who have been running their game on the rest of us... they know something's coming, and all they want to do is to get ahead of it and manage the outcome. They want to make sure that when the tables are turned... the same people are still sitting there. HOWEVER... now they know some small part of what they didn't know before, and they are running scared.

I know that my old friends will find their way at their own pace. Our fates and fortunes are ruled by the degree of intensity we bring to the ideals that we pursue. If we've been true to them, we get this mysterious second wind... later on... when we need it most. I'll be around for my friends... in spirit... I won't be going anywhere, I'll just be harder to see... depending on however much of The World is moving in your eyes.

Maybe Elizabeth Nickson will care enough about The Truth to see through this hash she's slinging in every direction... hoping some part of it sticks to something... like how all those prediction people get it mostly wrong... most of the time, but... every now and then, one of the blind pigs finds an acorn, and they hoot and holler like they've been right all along. “Look! Look! I got proof!” Proof of what?

Some of us aren't running a game. Some of us aren't out for whatever we can get in Judas Goat money. Some of us really are sincere and incorruptible by The World... only falling victim to our own weaknesses here and there... until The Divine steps in, AND... The Divine finds a way.

All I can tell you is... watch and you will see. Pay attention. Rely on The Indwelling to guide and make straight your way. Don't pay attention to the endless streams of bullshit that have now turned into mighty rivers through the technology of our times. It's not all bullshit. You got to look hard and study close, and no matter what it is you're looking for, YOU... WILL... FIND... IT, cause it's all there to be found. Be really careful of what it is you're looking for, cause... it will find you.

End Transmission.......

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